Saturday, September 20, 2008

Should be or not should be

I "realised" my friends happened sex with other guys.."many guys"!If i'm tat gal, i will malu..i malukan my family and if i happened sex with other guys mean i didnt respect myself!! A gal do not how to prevent one's purity>>without self-respect!For me, i will called them "DIRTY GAL"If they not my friends i will called like tat!!!If u had happened sex with other guys...u will felt sorry to ur husband b'cause he not the 1st to get it!Why parent spend thier money for us? Why? One reason..they hope we can get a flying colour result , having a good education, have a good future and make a model for their next generation!!For me, i'm very glad to have my dad n mom n my two brothers! Although i dun hv free time to accoppany them but they always phone me when i'm sitting in a great training or having a tournament!Thay take care of me every time anywhere!!Everything i can do it , i will do it!Something cannot do, i wont! "I" respect them!!! I LOVE YOU ALL..MY FAMILY

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