Monday, September 8, 2008

Shall i continue???

Blogging as my dairy!!! This week is "trial exam week"..Although i'm busying in study but i still can chit-chat with my friend,blogging, online, go out gai-gai.Bacause of relax and enjoy.Melbourne motto:" WORK HARD , PLAY HARD" Although very tired but i still want to online for a while everyday..Haha!!! I always ask myself ...isnt u very stubborn??? I'm also dunno.I just know wat i want to do...i will forward!!!Besides this ,i'm very*3 sad because of SPORT.Please stop talking about sport.Please dun make me sad again.I'm dunno how to translit through handphone.But i still can translit in blogging~I ask myself.."Am i unuse, am i stubborn ,am i jealous, am i too active?" Yes ,i'm.All Pahang people know i'm 1st spiker in my team or 2nd spiker in Pahang team.Why? My sir want to change my position?? If sir change my position , where can i stay?? Setter? Subsetter? I'm sure i cant to be Medium Because of my height.If i want to be choose an inner state player i must stay at spiker position!! I'm sure and comfirm every coach will berat sebelah .My sir want 2 medium n 2nd spiker to be choose an inner state player..I know, all Pahang people oso know.So ,Kuantan's people support me la..So ..if i cant to be choose an inner state player i will surrender and continue my track ..I believe i can continue to be inner state player .I give up basketball team because wat???Volleyball.U know .. i miss the "captain" chance.Cause when i 13 years old , i represent State to play Pahang open...All is uncle n aunty played it ..I'm the MOst youngest in whole PAhng open..I feel glad to hv this chance.After this year , my Basketball caoch said:"after this ,u may lead u team forward to un16 coming soon.BUt ,just oni after opening pahang , i stop play basketball ady...i make MIss Foo dissapionted...I scolded by SIR Tan n Miss Foo.MIss Foo said:" If u dun want go to un16 , i will not let u stayed in basketball team, i will kicked u out of the team."So , i no chance to reserve Basketball team b'cause i decided to join vb team ady.Start for tat day , i always missing my basketball life. Now, i saw all the basketball player in my school neary extinction.Am i selfish??? If i said: " I want returned basketball team , could i ?"I dunno ..very confused! I want to save baketball team but no time ady..after this year i must study hard. I'm sorry to u all~Like volleyball team, sorry i will make an excuse to exit .I dun like people berat sebelah.I hate this feeling. Pity u know? If no chance why u still want spend ur time on vb???Why???Should i continue??? BUt for a good life for study , i must happy and healthy everyday.But now ,volleyball still give me a "QUESTION". All pressure around me.Plaese let me go...VB team make me unhappy ,meaningless ,confuse too!!!Why i want live in a boring life like tis????

1 comment:

Kesavan said...

Ica.. so pity la u.. ya i know its a hard decision to make.. i know u how you feel right know.. i know you are sad.. just wan tell u that god always there for you just pray hard and u will always happy... don't think too much ya... always be happy.. if u sad i also will sad de.. so dont be sad... personally i aggred with you.. i thing you should stop everything and continue with you study.. hope u always happy..