Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm stupid...

I'm stupid ... I'm stupid...I'm the "STUPID GAL".Dont asked me why!!!!I hate that feeling ..Why i shared that people..why tat people dnt want shared with me??? Ok, u dont want people see u cry.. ok .. fine!!!but i really want shared with u...B'cause something unhappy things occured in our life we must learn how to straighten out and find the ways to forget it...Then ur life will relaxed a bit...U said u want to make me happy always.But u ????Please dont unfair, try to make urself happy and share ur happiness with ur friends...Why u cant do that??I want u happy , i dont want to force u...NOn matter i force u...I just want see all my friends happy always too...Ok la...!!!I want u to i care about u and worry about u ...Try to forget something unhappy had occuered in ur life...I really try to forget ady...May be i'm not serious "paktor"with my ex-boy .BUt i know how he careed about me...I cant to forget that he treat me so good..really!!!BUt now i really try to forget it ady...Remember sad things for what????Better forward our happy days...Enjoy with friends..joke with friends!!I really hope u can happy always...I want to share all my feeling with u because" i trust u"...I trust u can give me happy...I dont want to make u cry...Try to forget it ..."If" i'm not ur friend..i will not force u to forget it...U know???Tat unhappy things always around u.. U looked breatheless, u know??? "Kesavan"..Try to forget ya..!GAMBATEH~I'm not scold u ...remember ya...


Kesavan said...

not i dun trust u but i shy 2 tell u..sorry dear...i feel nw i can trust u n i feel i am lost without u..u r more tat anything 2 me..sorry dear... please 4give me

Ah Ca said...

ok..never mind la...I just want to see u happy ma...HO~~~???Oi oi oi~~~