Monday, May 28, 2012

KL trips

A 4 days 3 nights trip make me to remember as long as one lives. Time as fast a rocket (my own word)..The 1st day i reached KL was around!So hungry...after that k-7 and me take tren to KL Sentral had a lunch. It was a great chicken rice shop in KL sentral..I'm thinking customers of chicken rice shop almost full!! Need to queue up and paid money...look so busy wor~Fine, It is the time to return from the digression...After Having our meals,my bb brought me into a Famous chocolates shop.So nice and well-being o! Bcoz,most of the boy friend wont bring their gal friend go n buy chocolates bcoz it will make thier dearest lover "pop kai". But my bb wont do tat, he knew me very well..he knew me not the greedy gal who spend the money without eyes!!Right???
In the planet called "Earth".It contains a lot of different type of skin's human, racial and fact!! On the other hand, different racial had thier different fact such as Melay n Chinese. Can u find out how many differences between both of them??? Well~ Let me explain to u all..Melay have a session called Hari Raya Puasa. Look so pityful u know, they cant to eat anything after 12am till 7pm...!This is the 1st point. 2nd point,they needed to wear the sarung although it is used for take shower n sleeping.(Hehe, when i go training most of the athelet are malay and Indian so i need to follow them wear the sarung take shower.)Tell u my private things la...sometimes i take shower my sarung will suddenly drop down luckily no ppl look at me at the sence!huhu~3rd cannot eat pig althought they always said ppl as a pig.(that time i cant to control myself ,n luckily Sir Alias faster run away from me if not i think he terpaksa shout as a pig!! Wahaha..Always Babi babi!!!That why i'm hate Malay ppl~
The 2nd day,we wake up not tat early n not tat late~After wake up, take shower n arrange my bag my shirt n everything in the room~Around 10.30am we had our meals in other part or I'm not comfirm where is tat place and sumore i never go there!!! Hmm,compare with Thailand mee and Thailand tomyam..I'm more like Thailand tomyam!I'm finished all the thailand mee who serve for me bcoz of i want to make a prove tat i wont waste the food!!! Hehe~After had our breakfast we forward to! I dunno my bb dun like so i followed bb go Times square lo..I like bcoz of more choice and more cheaper than times square!!! And the quality of the shirt is not worse than times square...I admit there really very busy and got a lot of ppl look at us! Sorry ...
Fine, we walk to the times square...Hmm,times square is bigger than lo but the price oso "BIGGER" than lo...Hehe! I'm so sorry to waste bb money coz...he spent a lot of money to me ady...I dunno how to retaliate to him...seriously!!Sumore both of us just a student (degree student and secondarly student). Can u imagine how we spent the money? Jz a breakfast we spend more than 50 ringgit ..Adui!Hmm, we looking around there n found some new year clothes...Bb bring me to a high class brand's shop .It called Esprit...Wow,oni a skirt the price is RM 199 after discount is RM143..if my parents know me bought a skirt spent about 50 ringgit sure my mum scold me de...So better than i keep my mouth shut lo...I'm so thankful 4 bb..Tell u the truth,i'm a gal who dont like to spend guys money!! Coz,i want spend the money which i earm by myself not husband or wat...This is the 1st time ,i hope it wont happen again lolz...
Wow, actually i'm still hv a lot of story in KL trip but i'm thinking thinking and thinking..It is the time go to sleep ady...gud night bb...Have a nice dream..!

rekindle love

still loving love never change.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Schooling life

So fast, it seems like thunderstorm.. 2 weeks of schooling was changing me like a jaybird.every night did my homework untill 1am..maximum 2am. Jaybird isnt? Someone said, time wait for no man. I believe that SPM is just arounding the corner..lacking of time ? time for me to couple , no time for me to hang out with friends (except my classmate ^^).i feel uneasy and quite stress. Every night almost cant sleep peacefully and my eyes like dry and tired. Think of this, I spout out my wallet and pay 5 ringgit to buy eyes glo and keep in my pencil case. Whenver vey tired in the class, of course I will make 2 or 3 droplets into each eyes to prevent sleep in the class. In this 2 weeks, I slim 1.5 kg. futhermore, I’m going to fever but everytime in the second will be fine. 4 of us got 3 of us almost sick. Weather here is too hot until my mouth get a ulcer. So pain, this year, I will try my best to score SPM. Of course my dream will not oni daydream..Dare to dream!today( 14/01/2010), after schooled,I’m walking to cosway and waiting for my mummy, when I walk across the road, aunties suddenly move her motorcycle backwards. Luckily she didn’t make my leg injure, if not, I’m going to scold her. This year, I cant do any mistake..if today is preparing for MSSM mlaysia and my leg injure, I will call her to pay insurance, money, and mecdicine…eventhough, she pay for me I’m oso wont feel satisficate. Injure make me cant attend to the games and certificate is surpose to be 1 part of my future. How the aunties want to pay? So, there is some weird word inside…mayb I’m too stress and feel angry to tat auties’s clumsy behavior. Other than that, I felt tat my money seems like losing…I can save money as per week 20 ringgit but pay for photostate, some fees, and others , my money now is less than 90 ringgit. Oh god~save money to futher form 6 in johore…but isnt in johore is better for me ? I’m too adorable ^^..i dunno why in this year, I’m scare sunthing happen to my family…I’m scare that lost 1 of my family member..especially parents..daddy is the oni 1 who fight for so long and earn js a little bit money..mummy jz a household..they play in important role…without daddy, I think no more chance for me to study and 2 bros still cant handle all of my dad’s job..without mum, who did the housework? Who cook for us ? alots and alots…I can imagine and lossing someone else in the life..because I’m already mature and caring..

Monday, December 28, 2009

Take it as an experience

welcome to read my blog. hm, holiday going to end and will start my form 5 life soon.Sigh~Dad told me yesterday: " next year will confirm where ur future to be ." Dont waste ur time. think of tis, i'm really quite open ady. i read lots of book in this holiday change alot in this holiday. book bout love yeah 1 or more than that ..bcoz of the book, it knock me up tat gv up and forget is up to someone. If still stubborn to remember the past , it only live in the past . So when i will be a big gal? if the guy didnt loved u ady why still continue missed him? whenever u missed him u jz rolled down ur tears he oso wont be ur side. past is past. Learn to forget and accept that our love had been end is the true way .dun put any hope in this relationship. mayb before break up gal like to ask u wont leave me away rite ? guy will ans yes of coz i wont leave u, i will be wif u forever. when the love end, guy can forget watever thay can but gal cant. coz the gal love the guy too much. whenever the gal we break up la, the guy will bless tat gal give him a chance. but too much blessing will make guy's confidence gone . I realise all of the gay can forget the guy coz the gal hvt find the next love. the book said.haha~ tis is not the big deal. try to open minded mayb can change our life. i'm still got many years to go, why dont live happy. when dun know when our life end. LOve? now for me tat is too early to get love. i'm change alot jz tq need said welcome coz i felt tat u are rite. but remind u tat ur stubborn oso need to change. all of the gal in the world like to control this 1 year 4 month, i fall in love to u. but now, we are seems like sibling. hehe~k7, when u read my blog i hope u tat can type a blog bout after we break up, what to looking to, what u want to see in the future ..all u want to type is ok ..i will support ur blog ~

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Forgive each other will get being life

Today I watch drama and it called “ daddy at home”. The drama start at a daddy ( businessman) and very famous in Singapore and the wife called Xin bei ( only tc of her husband’s daughter) send their children xiao en go dancing go violin and drawing course..everything need money. Of course lau beng( the businessman) can earn more than 10000 dollar a month. He got a car and two apartment.their life very comfortable, happy and sweet warm.It jz a blue of bolt, lau beng has been fired. And he spent more than 700000 dollar to buy an equity on rehman bro sdn . The rehman bro sdn faced equity storm, all the money lau beng spent has beed spoil out ..after 2 weeks, his wife knew bout tis, but his wife still keep quite and she jz waiting for her husband told her bout this news.. 2 days ago,they argued coz her wife ( xin bei ) stop xiao en ( daughter) dancing and violin course. Aim is to help her husband to save money and do part time at a novel writing company. Lau beng so angry, lau beng scolded her that : “ the family no need u to work and I not tat inability to pay for xiao en course.” He wasn’t realised tat his wife was helping him. His stuborn cant change his wife’s mind to continue to work in writing company .and xin bei said : “ why u so ego and everything like ( important to ur face )…lau beng said: “ coz when I studied in uni u paid course( fee ) for me and I promised myself I wont let u worked after married.”
From tis lesson, I know tat , for children no need to attend too much course bcoz it will be their stress increase day by day when they going to grow and sport enough.lau beng and xin bei ..ya they are role model of lover and gud parents for their daughter …nowadays, I dun know y the wife must stay in house . it seems like in prison, like a maid, like a pet.why not they both earn money together and children let their grandmum to tc and they can work n pay some money for their grandmum. 1st , they can earn more income and they can retired early. Prepare money for their children to futher education oversea. And after retired can go travel together..y not ? my planning was not wrong ..that I want to do..

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

break up day of 4th

Today is our break up day of 4th..u always told me that, past ady past ady, but u know stg? “ iIt is important to retain past mind, imposisble to hold onto present mind, and imposisble to grasp future mind.” This is become there is no such thing as a “ mind” that can acquire or control things. Laa..this is not the point!!! I want always be with u ..not oni go go mei mei!!i hope we can couple again. I dun hv any reason to grab u bek , I jz want u happy always. My heart still open for u as u said. But today jz the 4th day, my heart already a bit gone. Seriously. U told me that I must find a good guy. No, u are the best in my mind in my heart.i dunno how to speak gentle, isnt ur excuse to leave me ? I’m so hurt. U always told me that u love me so much and I believe that u will not told me be gentle a bit . coz my action had been fixed, in ur inner heart I think u will think tat jessica ur action or language I don’t mind coz I love u . Am I rite? Don’t say no. there are no one know more bout word no sweet but all the words are froming by my inner heart. From heart to heart. I know u wont cry again. But sometimes, I really miss u especially after we break up. We keep contact..slowly, we will lose our contact. Will u ? I promise, if u really get the disease I willing to do ur partner until u finish ur life journey. U don’t say tat I’m great. Actually, I’m not becoz I love u.u don’t say tat it will hurt me deeper coz I had promise u whenever sad or happy we must share together. U don’t cheat me tat u didn’t get the disease after the report come out coz u will hurt me deepest than everything except my parents.i’m just wan to give u happy days escape from pain of treatment. I don’t want u suffer alone. I can do it. If u really do tat, do not beside after u be ghost. I wont bother u , I wont forgive u. sorry, lap tears the blog had been a prove for us .today u go out with friends, I hope ur emotion can be recover but I’m sure the pain still there. U are so strong! Thank u baby.1 month or 2 month? But anyways I jz hope u can beside me as fast as u can. I dun wan others. I’m sorry that I always make u angry. Sorry.nowadays, I’m oni know u angry for my goodness and argue can make ur emotion drop. In this few month ,are u sure we wont lose our feeling to each other? (cry) I don’t wan others guy, I wan u oni. And that day I sent u the sms: “ when cold u gv me blanket; when sleep who help me cover blanket; when hungry who buy food for me; when sad who consolation me; when cry who lap my tears; when shopping who paid for me and the main is when down who give me hope and encourgement?” u tell me, wat can I do now? K7 faster bek to my side pls..God, why a good couple can be but the problem occur between us? Why god?