Thursday, October 2, 2008


Hmm,see life is moving on.Something hapiness change ady change to sadness!!!Why??Isnt our own problem ,think negetively or your stingy???For me, I want peaceful coexistence, friendly agreeable.Grandparents always said "Good-naturedness leads to propitiousness".BUt i taught..Am i sitting in a family like this?Have them give me a peaceful, hapiness ,harmony family?I'm very confused!!!I think that i have a family who give me to stay and survive oni...That why i dun like stay at home...that why i want joined many activities about sport.Sometimes i want to shout at them but i'm not dare!!I want to dissolve but i dunno how to make them tardy in the saliva's war!!!My parents very excessive, how come i can stop them...If i stopped them i', make sure i die 1st lo...One thing i can do it >>>"Eyes brimming with tears".Start from MOnday until today,my eyelids still twitches u know?? I dunno wat will happen or something will suddenly happen in my life..I think it is a more series case for me..I eyelids never twitches like this...Yesterday,Dad's friend return from Kelantan...then dad go out with them without ask my mum when(after dinner)..then my mum so so so stingy then she ask me stayed at home and she wanted go out fought my dad..On purpose to avoid my parent fight up, i quickly called my dad and asked him wat had happened..After 5 mins, my dad return home..then he sat on the sofa said nothing just waited my mum came back.Nearly 13 mins,my mum came back,my mum said nothing then she suddenly asked me:"Isnt u called ur dad came back?"I said no!!! Not i wanted to cheat each other because i want peace...The second day(today),my mum said her hand so so so pain..then she asked me to accompany hers to go to see an acupuncturist.I said wait for me .. i want take a shower 1st..then when i was bathing my mum phone my dad, she said:"I want go to MEntakab see an acupuncturist and get an acupuncture treatment".after that my mum called me help hers to cheat my dad about went to Mentakab.then i said yes..Actually i dun wan to help my mum because not my dad's wrong..I know my mum jealous...My mum hate my dad's friend...I know my mum stingy...I know my mum very hard to convince . In one's turn, my mum told me ,when ur dad asked u then u help me to cheat ur dad and said the acupuncturist not at Mentakab so we returned traing...I said:" I dunno u all, i just study in library,i dunno wat had happened"..NOw,my parents still "senyap sangat"..wat can i do???Are them disturb me to study???Truthly, they really disturb me to study!!!I no mood ady...So sad...SOB SOB SOB!!!!!

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