Wednesday, September 17, 2008

take it "EASY"...

Wow!PMR exam is around the corner..I'm waiting for PMR coming soon!But my school still got a lot of homework to do..very busy and tired ler~Especially: stupid assigment! Better i do revision...Bluek!Ai yo yo~you know my friend ask me who is k-7? Actually i dont want to let my friend know..b'cause of something la..I'm not jaelous..SERIOUSLY!I just dont want my stupid friend catch away my friend"k-7".I wont introduced k-7 to hers.I knoe hers is a bad gal..She got paktor with many guys the same time she got paktor with 4 guys..really.I dont want Ai ying hurt k-7 if i introdused k-7 to hers.Anyways i dont like her style la..make me "muntah" and very dirty one!!!I dunno wat can i do ler...!!!however, i will not introduse k-7 to Ai YIng la..I will not make k-7 in trouble la...I want him happy..and i want to accompany him!!!I dunno am i miss him so much or i fall in love???Seriously..i very confuse.I want study 1st so i dun want paktor 1st..I believe if i paktor my result will very bad de...and easy to break up...Confuse ler...BUt i still want study 1st la...Me and k-7 a friend 1st ....So happy la..he give me hapiness ler..make me laugh...teach me english etc...So good la k-7!!Thank u~~

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