Saturday, September 20, 2008

Should be or not should be

I "realised" my friends happened sex with other guys.."many guys"!If i'm tat gal, i will malu..i malukan my family and if i happened sex with other guys mean i didnt respect myself!! A gal do not how to prevent one's purity>>without self-respect!For me, i will called them "DIRTY GAL"If they not my friends i will called like tat!!!If u had happened sex with other guys...u will felt sorry to ur husband b'cause he not the 1st to get it!Why parent spend thier money for us? Why? One reason..they hope we can get a flying colour result , having a good education, have a good future and make a model for their next generation!!For me, i'm very glad to have my dad n mom n my two brothers! Although i dun hv free time to accoppany them but they always phone me when i'm sitting in a great training or having a tournament!Thay take care of me every time anywhere!!Everything i can do it , i will do it!Something cannot do, i wont! "I" respect them!!! I LOVE YOU ALL..MY FAMILY

Better in time

It's been the longest winter without U I didn't know where 2 turn 2 See somehow I can't forget U After all that we've been through Going coming thought I heard a knock Who's there no one Thinking that I deserve it Now I realise that I really didn't know If you didn't notice you mean everything Quickly I'm learning to love again All I know is I'm gon' be ok Thought I couldn't live without you It's gonna hurt when it heals too It'll all get better in time And even though I really love you I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to I couldn't turn on the TV Without something there to remind me Was it all that easy To just put aside your feelings If I'm dreaming don't wanna let hurt my feellings but that's the path I believe in And I know that time will heal it If you didn't notive boy you meant everything Quickly I'm learning to love again All I know is I'm gon' be ok Since there's no more you and me It's time I let U go So I can be free And live my life how it should be

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

take it "EASY"...

Wow!PMR exam is around the corner..I'm waiting for PMR coming soon!But my school still got a lot of homework to do..very busy and tired ler~Especially: stupid assigment! Better i do revision...Bluek!Ai yo yo~you know my friend ask me who is k-7? Actually i dont want to let my friend know..b'cause of something la..I'm not jaelous..SERIOUSLY!I just dont want my stupid friend catch away my friend"k-7".I wont introduced k-7 to hers.I knoe hers is a bad gal..She got paktor with many guys the same time she got paktor with 4 guys..really.I dont want Ai ying hurt k-7 if i introdused k-7 to hers.Anyways i dont like her style la..make me "muntah" and very dirty one!!!I dunno wat can i do ler...!!!however, i will not introduse k-7 to Ai YIng la..I will not make k-7 in trouble la...I want him happy..and i want to accompany him!!!I dunno am i miss him so much or i fall in love???Seriously..i very confuse.I want study 1st so i dun want paktor 1st..I believe if i paktor my result will very bad de...and easy to break up...Confuse ler...BUt i still want study 1st la...Me and k-7 a friend 1st ....So happy la..he give me hapiness ler..make me laugh...teach me english etc...So good la k-7!!Thank u~~

Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm stupid...

I'm stupid ... I'm stupid...I'm the "STUPID GAL".Dont asked me why!!!!I hate that feeling ..Why i shared that people..why tat people dnt want shared with me??? Ok, u dont want people see u cry.. ok .. fine!!!but i really want shared with u...B'cause something unhappy things occured in our life we must learn how to straighten out and find the ways to forget it...Then ur life will relaxed a bit...U said u want to make me happy always.But u ????Please dont unfair, try to make urself happy and share ur happiness with ur friends...Why u cant do that??I want u happy , i dont want to force u...NOn matter i force u...I just want see all my friends happy always too...Ok la...!!!I want u to i care about u and worry about u ...Try to forget something unhappy had occuered in ur life...I really try to forget ady...May be i'm not serious "paktor"with my ex-boy .BUt i know how he careed about me...I cant to forget that he treat me so good..really!!!BUt now i really try to forget it ady...Remember sad things for what????Better forward our happy days...Enjoy with friends..joke with friends!!I really hope u can happy always...I want to share all my feeling with u because" i trust u"...I trust u can give me happy...I dont want to make u cry...Try to forget it ..."If" i'm not ur friend..i will not force u to forget it...U know???Tat unhappy things always around u.. U looked breatheless, u know??? "Kesavan"..Try to forget ya..!GAMBATEH~I'm not scold u ...remember ya...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My Ideal Profession( when i FROM 1)

Since I had been visiting a wardmate in hospital , i can see out many people in needed.Some of them no ability to pay medical expenses or some of them got unknown symptoms.Such as Aids , Sars , Cancer of the womb , breast cancer or another case.
Some of the patients to be about to die on an illness but doctor cannot paid attention for the patient's condition.It cause someone lost thier life in world.
So,that helpless sight..very pitiful!!! You know???So, my ambition is to be a doctor because doctor's situation is very important part in changing someone's condition and I feel that doctor would not abuse this power.Anyway, if I success to be a doctor , I should be unselfish and do everything in my power to aid a patient in recovery.
So..I shall study hard and score high marks in subject Science and Mathematic .Well, I hope i can score many A in SPM and continue my study life in International University o~

Monday, September 8, 2008

Shall i continue???

Blogging as my dairy!!! This week is "trial exam week"..Although i'm busying in study but i still can chit-chat with my friend,blogging, online, go out gai-gai.Bacause of relax and enjoy.Melbourne motto:" WORK HARD , PLAY HARD" Although very tired but i still want to online for a while everyday..Haha!!! I always ask myself ...isnt u very stubborn??? I'm also dunno.I just know wat i want to do...i will forward!!!Besides this ,i'm very*3 sad because of SPORT.Please stop talking about sport.Please dun make me sad again.I'm dunno how to translit through handphone.But i still can translit in blogging~I ask myself.."Am i unuse, am i stubborn ,am i jealous, am i too active?" Yes ,i'm.All Pahang people know i'm 1st spiker in my team or 2nd spiker in Pahang team.Why? My sir want to change my position?? If sir change my position , where can i stay?? Setter? Subsetter? I'm sure i cant to be Medium Because of my height.If i want to be choose an inner state player i must stay at spiker position!! I'm sure and comfirm every coach will berat sebelah .My sir want 2 medium n 2nd spiker to be choose an inner state player..I know, all Pahang people oso know.So ,Kuantan's people support me la..So ..if i cant to be choose an inner state player i will surrender and continue my track ..I believe i can continue to be inner state player .I give up basketball team because wat???Volleyball.U know .. i miss the "captain" chance.Cause when i 13 years old , i represent State to play Pahang open...All is uncle n aunty played it ..I'm the MOst youngest in whole PAhng open..I feel glad to hv this chance.After this year , my Basketball caoch said:"after this ,u may lead u team forward to un16 coming soon.BUt ,just oni after opening pahang , i stop play basketball ady...i make MIss Foo dissapionted...I scolded by SIR Tan n Miss Foo.MIss Foo said:" If u dun want go to un16 , i will not let u stayed in basketball team, i will kicked u out of the team."So , i no chance to reserve Basketball team b'cause i decided to join vb team ady.Start for tat day , i always missing my basketball life. Now, i saw all the basketball player in my school neary extinction.Am i selfish??? If i said: " I want returned basketball team , could i ?"I dunno ..very confused! I want to save baketball team but no time ady..after this year i must study hard. I'm sorry to u all~Like volleyball team, sorry i will make an excuse to exit .I dun like people berat sebelah.I hate this feeling. Pity u know? If no chance why u still want spend ur time on vb???Why???Should i continue??? BUt for a good life for study , i must happy and healthy everyday.But now ,volleyball still give me a "QUESTION". All pressure around me.Plaese let me go...VB team make me unhappy ,meaningless ,confuse too!!!Why i want live in a boring life like tis????

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Am i "JEALOUS" ???

Rite, for me..maybe i will jealous something la!!!Like my ex-bf(Toax). One day, my friend(gal)called Li Yee,she break up with her boy friend (Jun Jie).She go n find my ex-bf..Then i start keep silent for one week...i dun want pick up the phone i dun want listen his voice any more...n dun want to read his message!!Am i jealous???May be tat gal dunno i'm Taox's gf or may be....!!!I just want him to accompany me anytime anywhere. Except vb tournament or badminton tournament , we no chance stay together.. u know???Everyday, we all must forward our own training. U training at night n i training in the evening.After u returned from ur training, i let u to rest 1st...i dun wan to disturb u ..I just want u spend ur free time to sms with me but u wont.When i'm busy i still accompany u ..when u sad i put down all my homework n accompany u until u sleep..Last time, i'm angry with u cause u dun pick up ur phone when i called u..U know..How many times i called u ...79times!!I cry bacause i worry about u...Or may be u treat me so good.. i dunno how to treat u back..U make me confused...I dunno wat can i do...SORRY TOAX.

13th July 2008:
Let us freedom a bit...
I say..Better we becomes friend..
I dun want "LOVE" anymore...
May be "U NOT SUITABLE FOR ME" i cant to say...
I dun want to hurt u anymore...
Toax try to say apologise to me ..
wat he had done...
He try to reverse "Love"...
After one week...
he say...
I will wait u until i surrender to chase u ...
I said..
If u really love me , u must wait....
May be time wait for no man...
After years ,may be i'm not ur gf or ...
But now..
I just wanna continue my study...
I want u study bacause ur family...
If u dont hv good background for ur future...
May be ur future full of meaningless..
I want u happy ....
I want u study...
PLs stop all the sport nw...
SPM is around the corner ady....
But u dun want listen ...
So better we break up...
But u still my friend....
I can accept u to change my sport wear with u...
B'cause of we are FRIEND...