Friday, November 6, 2009


Horey, exam finally finished. Daddy going to Ipoh before my exam finished, I miss my’s birthday coming soon. I don’t hv any idea to celebrate or buy something for him. And u ? I’m planing to go kl and A’famosa or genting. I hope can go with lover. But since he argued with me said he was my atm and juz play his feeling..I’m so hurt..I wont waste his money ady..i paid, if going to genting I will reject.I’m not obvious! I dun like guys talking bad behind me.Before exam, I’m plan to blogging but now , the feeling gone. Beside that,my class was a big war there. For example, Alice and us..after Alice be a AJK prefect, she beginning proud..she like to show anger on others..That why I don’t like her attitude..Someone asked me : “ jessica , why such teacher care for u ?” I didn’t answer. 1st, when teacher teaching we listen, in school be a top student with good result and sport girl. Yesterday, Cikgu Rosa told me Jessica next year no miss training , and I will find a caoch to train u. she said must get emas then Iruan said not face masks..they all bully me , but I know they care for me .going to graduate 2010. After that I’m going to Singapore. No matter how hardship my parents they said: “if u want to do , just go ahead.” Ur life ur future..Yes ,I’m agree that I’m the youngest they always keep control me since small. Now they gv me freedom. Friends told me “ they dun hv relative there if we go singapore very hard to survive.then I reply , I got relative there. But I dun want to find them oso.” I’m going out of malaysia coz I dun wan people always helping me . I’m already a big gal. everything settle by myself learn to independence.
My target: ( A1)
Pendidikan moral
Bahasa Malaysia
I can do it .. start it now..i’m already big gal, do not let parents always worry bout me .
Kesavan, did u think that I’m changing ? Yes ,I’m changing, changing to independence.Learn to earn money by myself. I earn money by myself. I want richier than u..not ur parents money. Dare to compare? Let’s us start the game. I will study hard. SPM decide my life!!i’m not trying to say break up. I juz by do everything by more spoon feed.

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