Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sorry, i love u..

there are too much love in our life ..Family, lover, siblings and cousins. the love i had before between me and k7.I alaways thought tat, love can make someone change their mind. But i'm too adorable.Love?i dunno wat is love since now. we had our memory b4, how u want me to give up. I admit,i got told u tat i want to give up to cause u always complain tat i control u. From tat second,i told myself, give him freedom, free form me. Mayb he can live more happily.
Are u still remember our first meet? U are quite shy but it jz a moment , when in the taxi u hold my hand kiss my hand. U didnt regret that u had chosen me although i'm fat. U never complain tat u ar ugly . in pizza hut, we spoon feed each other ..the ppl around us they us peamerable. they are not alive? i said i'm thirsty, u didnt care how much the price of the drink u jz buy it. U give all the best for me . Now i'm typing here and my tear rolling down and wet my clothes.
christmas day 24/12/2008 , i wont forget it. I love u but people think like i'm fool. How a stupid gal couple with a indian guy? i thought tat i got told u before i love ur coz not ur skin and not ur money. i jz hope my lover can gv me the best. since i know we are not suitable to each other, i'm so sad. we not unsuitable and we jz the religion problem.Give each others some times, that ur choice . I'm not complaining and not regret. And after the few days i'm in sad mood. i will forget
it all. coz feeling almost gone, i'm already pull out of love .red card!! not yellow card!!u know stg? last time we always argue, it oso our best memory. now, we are facing a big problem. I told myself, if u really got Alzhiermer disease, i willing to bbe ur partner for another 4 or 5 years. I'm not regret, i jz wan u have ur full life when u go.Do not left anything which hvt done yet. I know we are no more posisble but i jz hope the next generasi u will be my son or daughter.Together with u
not jz a temporary , 1 year 2 month..If u think tat easy to give up, it not jz a easier thing to me. if u say i'm still a little gal , mayb i'm. Mayb u think tat i'm mature, yes i'm. mature in the heart.
outlook is not everythings! remember the things. I know not ur tears rolling down but i jz hope u can think properly b4 i gone. Coz,u are really hard to find.I love u kesavan...there are too much memory for us and i cant leave it like now. Do not cheat urself tat u are already put up ur hand. U cnt cheat me and u cant cheat urself oso.Now, in ur world, i'm the 1 who always keep in touch with u except ur parents. no one know more u than me. Understand? U said tat u dont wan hurt me.
but u doing it now.At least give me a good reason why we break up. religion is not a good reason .. It have many years to go to settle it.i really cant leave u like tis way. Sorry, i love u .


Kesavan said...

Hi Jessica, How are you? Hope you fine.Yeah I know that there is too much love in our life and your love are the most memorable one in my life. Yes we have a lot of good and bad memory before and I never ask you to give up. And of course I do remember our 1st time we meet, ya I admit that I quite shy that time but in my heart I just want to love u only forever and ever. I know your love is true love and I know that you don’t care what others say and you that I will give you the best and I always do. Yes what you say are correct which is we are not unsuitable but just tight with our own religion. Every day we argue and I always said that you too much control me; actually that’s not the problem. The real problem is RELIGION. Let me explain it to you, you should know rite that my parents won’t accept any girl which are from other religion and you also know that you won’t follow my religion. What I trying to say I can don’t talk about this religion this now but in future we must face it rite.Yea maybe if we couple for another 4 years and that time we break up because of religion thing, that time will more deeper pain in our heart rite ? Ok la for example, we married and we have children and which religion they will follow? I don’t want or don’t like our children was bullied by other because their name or what. I want they a have good life. I don’t want let you hurt more in the future because I know that religion think will make us suffer in future. I love you very much you know. It’s not that we are not possible anymore but we are possible in the future. For me also it’s not very easy to give up you know and I never say you are still little girl. Yes I know that outlook is not everything. I don’t want to love you I want you always with me, support and care for me. I want you in my life very much because you are very hard to replace and I think there is no 1 can replace you in my heart. What I hope here is that maybe you can change your mind and heart and follow my religion. Last thing I can say is: My heart is always open for you Jessica.

Ah Ca said...

but u push me far away..the love seem like no last longer anymore. :'(