Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Starting over..Dont look back on ur life with full of risk.

Starting over..
Retirement never quite escapes our thoughts as our age advances.It’s a side effect of the lives we have carved out for ourselves, one that promotes wealth and risk management above all else, all in name of security.
Step 1:
• Assess your like and dislike.
• People change careers coz dislike their job, boss or companies
• Ur direction.
• What excites you?
• What is ur passion?
• The spending time rediscovering urself.
Step 2:
• Transferable skills.
• Leverage some of ur current skills and experiences to renew career.ex:communicate,leadership,planning.
Step 3:
• Training & education.
• If plan to persue ur passion, chances r u well ready.
• But u mz update ur skills & broaden ur knowledge.
• Take course ensure u like the subject matter.
Step 4:
• Networking
• Ppl in ur network may gv u job leads,advice & information bout company & industry, exoand network.
• Consider colleagues,friends, family.
Step 5:
• Be flexible.
• Flexible bout nearly everythg from ur emplyment status to salary.
• SET +ve GOALS for urself, but expect setbacks..

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