Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Day Without Mood

Today is the 3rd days of Hari Deepavali...My bb told me that he was very unhappy = NO MOOD.So, i sent him a message: "I chat with u at 12am."Izzit u wan to know the time between 10.30 and 12am how i spend it...Allright, suddenly i check my cupboard and feedback who sent me letter ,wishes card,birthday card, presents and others.I just pick up the birthday card and check..I found tat...a birthday card from my ex-boy friend(Toax).Although the format of the card not nice but when i face to the page 2 of the card..the card was releasing a birthday song with a red shine light.The 3rd page of the card write on :
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you, (*sing together with me)
Happy Birthday to Jessica,
Happy Birthday to you.
Below the song:
(A big birthday cake)

Continously, I found a present beside me...It was a big bottle wishes.It contains 20 bottles of wishes:(the 20 reasons i love u)

1st:I want to hold ur hand and see the sunset together...
2nd: Because of i want to share my hardness...
3rd: Because of i want to know u all...
4th: because of my ordinary so i love ur normal...
5th: Because of u i find all the hapiness...
6th: Because of i want send u return home when the night was late...
7th: Because of you will share all my jokking ..
8th: Because i hope when i wake up in the morning u are my 1st think of u...
9th: Because of i want listen ur voice everyday...
10th: Because of the love story want we both to be the leading character...
11th: Because of ur big shine eyes...
12th: Because of god want we both to be the lover...
13th: Because of ur kindness...
14th: Because of i believe in u will becum a good daughter-in-law.
15th: Because of oni u know me in the world...
16th: Because of last lifetime i owe u...
17th: Because of u make my heart beatinf faster than normal...
18th: Because of u are my most care darling...
19th: Because of u i full of hopefulness...
20th: Because of u will forgive me when i had done wrongly...

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