Monday, October 27, 2008

Chat with ghost~

Today is new year of Indian called Hari Deepavali.Wa...a bit happy a bit boring a bit sleepy a bit tired and a bit crazy...How come???I wake up 3 times in midnight...(2am~4am and 7.52am)Maybe,i'm too worried bout something..That is(GHOST).Wah, so scared ler...Then what can i do??I use my traditional method..That is used my blanket cover all part of my body include my HEAD!! I scared the ghost looked in front of me..A pale face , a single eye, a bleeding mouth and eye...And figures ghosts i more scare...HUHU~Mau pergi kencing pun tak berani..u know????Between me ,jingwen and Siny..I'm the most scared bout ghost...Anyways,i'm the youngest between them ma...
Eeee, i dunno what can i say wor...Next posts la....Kaka...Although bb beside i oso scare la not because of i didnt belived u .. because of later u jadi ghost how???I cant to escape..Something want to happen u cant to control ma..Rite..???My bb so cute la...Adui~~BB, i so boring today la..I'm sure later i oso cant to sleep la..So scare ler...

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