Sunday, November 23, 2008

(Further education)

Hai..Today is Sunday...I'm looking at the sky..It told me :"Gal, bad weather coming soon.You must take care urself.When you want go out for working remember bring through ur umbrella or jacket..Hmm, take care ya.."Just after a moment,it was a cool,cold,boring,heavily raining.The raindrops look grim and the raindrops hiting on their face who was walking ,cycling,or riding .For all the teenagers may be they were playing football while raining heavily.They all look so enjoy espesially my classmates.And for adults they was missing the family so much and wishing that they can returned home quickly.There was a different feeling between adults and teenagers.
Ging rong..thunder storm....Xin Yee and me stayed in shop and look outside...We both were cowards...hehe!!!I'm thinking of dad mum and prayed for my grandparents helped me...protected me...I'm so scared.Suddenly....thinking thinking and thinking...I'm thinking of something and i'm chatting with my friend called Xin Yee...we talked bout further education.For Xin Yee family,they can supply hers to get further education oversea without scholarship...For me,my family can oso supply to get highest aducation too...Maybe i cant get further education!!!I was thinking of if dad n mum spend the money for me n i failed in the examination.HOw????Dissapointed???I still remember 6 Jan 2008..My uncle asked me...Jess,what is ur ambition??I said:"DOCTOR."My dad shocked.Dad said:"Then, I must save RM10 per day lo..hehe."I'm not dissapointed because of if my brother study hard since they were studied in secondarly school,they wont get a bad future de....Now,my dad was spending money for my 2nd bro(Dennis).It used for study...for my 2nd bro...He is the most clever between my family member include me...(just kindergarden la)I dunno why he bcum lazy while he started his primary school life...After years,his result bad>worse>worst!!People not stupid just because of lazy!!!I'm thinking maybe it caused by my elder bro...My elder bro(Brian)...He oso not the stupid guy...U know..Mum told me..Brian very clever too...he can speak well and fluencly when he was between year4-7.It was so Great!!!!I oso dunno why he will lazy to study too!Turns me...I'm the most lazy when i'm study in kindergarden.BUt i can get high marks then other student who is older than me one year..really.I still remember teacher called me joined highest class. Highest class(year 6 class)..felt alone there because i studied in lower class de...suddenly teacher called me joined highest class...Hate it!So so so alone there la! I seldom did my homework..when i returned school i found tat how came my homowork had done????Hehe...because of my mum!Hehe!See how lazy am i??? siblings...all terbalik...they wanted to spend money on study without scholarship.When they finish study how come my dad spend for me???Mum always told me...Gal u must study hard, they dun hv enough money to supply me on study.Tat why i so stress when i'm on study.I'm look so stress and concentrate on training .I want to get scholarship to supply me on study...Abu said if i want to get supply..i need to get 5A in PMR..Otherwise, i oso need to continue become an athelete!HUhu...What can i do now????HOw bout my dream will come true????So so so hard!!!!My parents sayang more than 2 brothers...I dun want make them dissapointed(Eyes brimming with tears).I love my family...they all give me a warm and sweetest family!Although i always said elder bro not gud but in my heart they all always be my bro my parents..Blood thicker than water!!!I believe myself and i want to save my money...when i finished my study(Form 5), my own acc must get(RM2500) and above.and my other acc must get(Rm5000)and above!

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