Saturday, March 21, 2009


The day the nite u gone...Dear, i miss u...I wan u hug me...hold my hand kiss me...yer,need to wait another 9 months eh...How to wait o ???Haiz...Bb..Actually i really love u ...BUt i dunno how to describe my heart's feeling..I dunno how to romance u ....Hmm...If talk bout romance..u the one must romance me..u are guy ma...Wat to do???Hehe..I'm the 1 u romance more gals..except ur mummy...MUaks! Sorry dear...I know u are degree student, i know u very bz...But i felt alone ma so i call u with u lo...u the 1 who studu study and study ma....So no more time spend to me lo....Bleuks! Bb...holidays almost finish eh...need to start my engine again lo...i think this year wont be tat bz lo...coz sport all stop ady ma...but next year sure bz one la...hmm, like u cant promise u anythg and study is the 1 who decided ur future ma...So i study smart lo...adjust my timetable accurately lo ...B4 i retired form vb in myteam, i really scare i will alone and felt boring in the house... now, i dont think so!! You want to KNW MORE MY TIMETABLE ????
MON4.30 wake up (study time)School tll 2.30pm3.30pm go library till 5.30pmthen 6.00 till 7.00 ( FREE TIME)9.00pm till 9.30pm (revision)9.30 to 10.00pm (sleep)
TUES4.30 wake up (study time)School till 2.30pm4.00pm to 5.30 (co-curiculum)then 6.00 till 8.00( free time )9.00pm till 9.30pm (revision)9.30 to 10.00pm (sleep)
WEDNES5.30 wake up ( Study time)School till 2.30pm4.00 to 5.30pm (co-curiculum)5.30 to 7.30 (Tuition)8pm (rest)9pm (study)10pm (sleep)
THRUS5.30 wake up( study time)school till 2.304 to 5.30 (co-curiculum)5.30 to 7.30 (tuition)8pm (rest)9pm (study)10pm (sleep)
FRI5.30 wake upschool till 12.30pm2 t0 4 (tuition)6 to 8 (homework)9.00 (arrange book)Free time
SATURFree time (whole day)
SUN11am (study)2.30 till 5.30 (library)6 to 8 (homework )8 to 10 (FREE TIME)10pm sleep

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