Saturday, February 21, 2009

My hopes and fears for the next 7 years

Being rather pessimistic, I would like to start off with my fears. I guess my most immediate fear is the approaching SPM examination. Though I have always been conscientious and am often among top 3 student in my class. i hope the lucky star always behind me give me a last push for SPM examination...even through i know my dream wont be tat accurately...But i hope i can enter matriculation.
This would mean my parents would have to spend more money to send me to a private collage.But i never hope it will happen around me...I never want to spend my parents's money.i want to be a " spotan "children between my siblings.
my greatest fear in the next decade when i turn to 23-year-old is the fear of not successfully completing my degree. What if i failed miserably? My parents would be dissapointed and I would be devastated. Wht would i do if i were thus unable to support myself? How o??
Related to this is the fear of growing older and alone. I love being a teenager with lots of friends. This is the time when u can enjoy the best tat life has to offer without worrying about working for a living, getting married and becoming parents, nut without good qualifications, i would becondemned to a low-paying job. My high-flying friends would probably shun me, and no one would want to marry me and eventually i'd die alone and unloved. This is what would pain me the most.

But enough of this gloom and doom! I must make sure tat this sad scenario doesn’t occur. My greatest hope is tat I complete my medical degree with distinction. I realize that this calls for a lot of diligence and sacrifice but I am more than ready to meet this challenge.

Also, in the next 7 years, I hope to change for the better. I tend to get impatient and short-tempered which gets me into hot soup with my parents and friends, so that’s definitely one trait I’d like to get rid of.

Just a important is my hope that my parents will remain in good health lolz. They are now in their late fifties and enjoy excellent health except my dad because my dad’s ankle so pain…n his emotionally disturb him… I pray for the god would give my family members have a good health.. Hope SWT Allah give a good career for my 2 brothers…

Last but not least is my hope that my family and I will always be happy. Hapiness is an elusive thing but I hope that we will be content, not only for the next 7 years but also for the rest of our lives…Brags the golden chance to get back my dear… Spend entire life together…Make sure we will be a role model partner and it will be remain alive to our next generation…can u do it?

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