Friday, April 17, 2009

Sometimes I’m really scare of you…

Stop asking me why why why???? Seriously I’m really don’t know why. I would like to tell u that I like freedom…I don’t like people control me too much…Wat I want to do just let me go! If u feel fed up I will not keep asking u too much question~ Did u know
Which status am I in ur heart??? If i’m boy, I’ll just leave u like tat!!I always remind myself isn’t he is ur best choice??? All the man no one is better than u ??My friend asked me: “Ah Ca, you both is come from different culture, life, colour of skin even the thought of each other oso not same ,wat fort u wanted be with him?? Why got others better than him u still wan to be with him???” For my informant’s information, she said : “You must think properly..” As I said: “life and death are in ur hand!” No one change ur mind, no one can stole ur heart~ Before tat , you must remind urself to look before u leap!! Now I’m scare about how we spend the time together??? How we couple to each other?? Because the worst things still sticked in my mind!!! I recalls a lot of things about my life !!How was the life start??? How we choose our life??? Isnt money can buy everything??? For me, the ans is no! I would not like the money….Sometimes money can buy someone’s heart…If one day the people bankrupt, what will happen???would u thinking of this kind of problems before???? I can confirm that…the life will end with sadness..Will u agree with ?

Sometimes, we argued for small kind of things but I hope I can remind u that if u treat me bad> worse>worst, I wont be with u !!! Life oso cannot confirm everythings ,if stg really want to happen sure will happen 1 day..We just dunno when will happen~So, I’m seriously tell u , if 1 day I really leave u away…That is my choice~ If u want to brag bek, I’ll tell u tat : “Wait until the coming generation! Love + Hurt = End…Love is very unfair example…I hope u can improve urself…How great man or how good human being oso = 0…Because we must believe tat TIME AND TIDE WAIT FOR NO MAN!!! WAt is the meaning of true love?? Discription the meaning of true love??? 1 thing….how valueable u are oso non-used~ Cause ur heart is black in colour…I believe tat nothing will make me sad after losing u in my life~ Take care.

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