Thursday, December 4, 2008

You Never Get It

What i want and what i dont want? What is the Different between love and like? wat is the action of boy friend?? Who knows?? Who know???
I want u always be with me..I'm thinking friend is more important than gal friend..If it always happen, i'm think be a normal better than everything better than become boy and gal friend!Guy always said:"You are most important in my life.Without you i will die~and You're important than everything."huhu...I know u very rich! I love u not because your money.I love u because i want stay with u...Give me hapiness..Spend the time...Wat new year gift..wat christmas gift?? wat birthday gift???Ok..On the other side, if i'm ur bf...I can buy everythings for u but i always spend the time with friend..Izzit it called sayang???I'm not the 3 years old kid...i know u sayang me...I oso know friend very important too..but sayang is an action cannot combine with present something..It is different things!!!!!Wat suprise?wat Secret???Make sure u make me happy always..Tat is the great present!!!When i start couple with u, i always sad...U always spend the time with ur friendz..Go Qiant..Cyber cafe...Mcd..KFC..Cinema...!!And the most i hate is dont check my called list!!! I dont like...That is my freedom...I jus be with friend with my others! I'm ur gal friend...Oni yours..No others! You done everything for me because of u scare me run away from the story by urself!!!!!Haiz...

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