Monday, August 31, 2009

Me as a teenager..what should i acting over..

Headache but I still typing here..I cant control my emo ..My tears keeping brimming around my eyes..i told myself everything will be one can control ur life..u the one who control urself not others! Whole night I cant sleep, going to sick , maybe bcoz of sick I can sleep all the days, no stress ,no noisy and nothing happen around me jz a wind blowing day by day ,sumtimes raining welcum me..thunderstorm forgv me tat y it approaching now..face the problem as a challenge..Hopefully I can sleep a dead person and I dunno when will happen..Are u remember a song ( if there is no tomorroe) (chinese song) wat u wan to do? Stg like last mins breath..I wan go travel all the world with someone accompany me..enjoy the life with modern, nature or ring ur ring jz lost stg on the ring ..the name of love? Somehow ppl said forever love , would them? Wat is love..let me told u wat is carefully..let me start from teenage..
Is teenage love puppy love? Is it trial love? Is it true love? It seems that most teenagers are getting involved with members of the opposite sex as a form of entertainment.

There are some views from parents. Some of them say falling in love is a bad thing for teenagers. They are not mature and they may get hurt when love is over. And it will take several months to recover. More serious is that they may have sex when in love. Due to their ages, they don’t have any capability to assume responsibility for it if the girls to be pregnant, especially the girls’ parents complain. Because generally the girls, which are pregnant, will be the victims of the love affair. So some parents may warn their children about ignoring their lifelong true friends for someone who was just passing through.

But I think that these parents just have very short memories and no longer recall the realities of love while they were teenagers.

Teen love is quite real because of their innocent young mind. The purpose of love is pure, not because of money, power or status, or some other things have nothing to do with love. The motive of loving starts from human beings. Love is the fact of life, especially for teenagers. It is the thing that is important and central to human existence. It is not like the lights or some other electrical goods can be turned on and off. It is involuntary and automatic.

The reality is that Puppy love is something that can be remembered to the end of our lives. I've heard many people on TV talk how they will never forget their first love. And lots of people even have happily married still have a small flame that burns for their first true loves. Is there something magically about that? Maybe that's because it taught them how to love.

Love is something that can be extremely confusing and frustrating. I know that as a teenager love was extremely confusing and frustrating to me. The only way to...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Last breath of my life

May be u will scold me as stupid, brainless but i would like to tell u ..even last of my breath i can talk a the blog to share with u..when u see my blog ,u will know how hurt u are..coz that all is ur mistake.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

What is life being

Hello…blog walker..hello malaysia..hello all my friendz..long time didn’t blogging..Neither miss me nor miss my blog? Perhaps there is nothing special in my blog..Perhaps there is a broken english in the blog..anyways, when I’m boring ,sad ,stress( final exam) or argue with my lovely dear (k7) sure I’ll blogging here..relax my mind here..Hehe!
1st let me talk bout hp need 1st aid box..coz it had been hurt by many times.. ^@^ I want change a new handphone but it is imposisble to ask dad to buy for me..I know ability of my parents..they had been gv me a comfortable life all over 16 years..without any hardship..oni study..I’m thinking if I didn’t change new hp I’m scare that my handphone will explo..coz there is day by day talking on the hp..the batery not gud to use too containing chemical reaction..^8^Anyways, I “hope” my new handphone will get soon..
2nd I want to improve my langguage..^&^ bahasa Melayu and Bahasa English..CRY! ya, I love science subject .. science is my stongest subject coz I like it..especially biology..i still remember..last time teacher Tan wee ling she had been operation a hamster..I’m wanted to touch the hamster’s heart bcoz..the hamster havent end of its last breath..the heart still excited if I touched it..but I didn’t do it..too smelly la…God I want to improve bahasa Melayu..? Why the ppl whp doesn’t concentrate when teacher teaching they still can get high mark..why they cheating in the class the teacher still become nothing? Why they so unfair..Where is justice? Where is man’s law? And Where is their own principle?huh?
Help…boring la.. felt a bit dissapointed to A (H1N1) coz it make me and my honey cant go patuo…Alwayz stay in a room with four walls ( green colour’s wall) until my eye oso green green jz one more thing no star on my head if not..haiz..this few days, I look like want argue with mum..coz she oso misunderstand me daddy know me sick so call mum bring me go hospital is not bcoz of daddy scare I transfer the sick to him..and if got any sick doctor ask u ..u must tell him where u sick..there is no secret between me(sick) and doctor..for example,if I’m gastics I told doctor tat I sakit kepala then doctor gv me paracetemol how my sick to recover? If want to cheat doctor better dun waste the money see doctor..and u can treat my sick recover I think all traing’s doctor need to eat grass lo..coz u are a doctor ma..sumtimes if u help me to operation u need to help me kill all the bacteria if not it will bcum more serious..but u didn’t do it and u still angry me scold me said ppl control u ..and sumtimes I so angry with u u said the word” I born u out I wan to scold u ,beat u ,kill u oso can” mind ur word..coz hell will balas to u when u had I never scare..i open my heart..I’m really respect to u ( my parents) if I’m not a gud daughter I wont stay in the house, mayb I smoking? Mayb now I stay in prison..So, I’m dare to tell u..I’m enough to do everything to u all..I willing to study , I willing to be the star of my school, I willing to do everything better than 2 brothers..but be fair..2 bros can study in collage pls gv me some money to study..
Life is not full of complaint..there is fantastic, hopeful, realistic life…no one can escape from the real..I wan grow up I wan grow up..I wan to hv my own life..I know it will be very hardship..but human is being born to hardship…I dun like study economic , acountance at all…stop calling me study it…if u wan, ur age is not a problem ..u can study …sumtimes, i’m enjoy in the house..with a cup of coffee with jazz song and sit on the soft sofa but my house sofa not soft and so hard.. but it cant happen to me house so noisy la ..especially machine sewing…hate it..noisy..tat y I always stay in room..1st the blanket so soft..when stress I’m jz lay down take rest..2 hours over everything bcum normal..sumtimes, I’m really admire at small baby..i oso wan bcum small baby..see baby can laugh like crazy, they can cry whenever they unhapi or they hungry or want to change pampers..when parents holiday ,they bring baby go beach , go shopping or go swimming with why not I bcum a baby?when I saw baby doll I jz need to waste a drop of tear, daddy faster pay the money to custom take the babie doll for what ..i like it..when parents see her or him laugh they oso laugh ..see the baby so adorable..when sleeping so cute..when eating mummy feed..they jz oni laugh laugh laugh untill 12 years show..cartoon..(spoon feed children) mean spoon come mouth open, money come hand open..i wan er..

Monday, August 17, 2009

Lack of comunicate

the lack of comunicate between me and my family..After my 2nd bro graduate, i look like less comunicate with family...It had been busy of training, tournament and study..People said why i can get the good result during examination..Weekdays, after school go tuition after that go training..I duno why my caoch like a tiger..Actually he is not fierce but the thing is whenever my team partner didnt go to training ,he wont scolded them..but me..if i missing for 3 days sure he start sms me and ask why i didnt go training. Hello, I'm not SSBJ or SSBP player ok? He always said bcoz of u we cant train teamwork...that why i dun like teamwork games! I like badminton..Single..Whatever they said me fat..but i still get champion.. coz the heart oni focus on personal games...Fine.Tournament? 1 month sure got 3 day or 4 days not in the school for form 1 and 2 ...Form 3 more serious..3 month not in the school..i would attend my Kem Bakat for 2 month b4 i go tournament in KUANTAN. So, when i come back from games surei concentrate my study, my dad told me if u get bad result in ur exam ur sport will be ended by this year..So i didnt give up everything tat i have..A lot of teacher care of me , i couldnt make them dissapointed..I wan be the star of A result oso A..i want be the role model between my cousin tat y my mum call me must study hard dun let ur cousin bully u make the family down. May be u not in my situatuin sure u not understand how hardship am i? bcoz of the days without stop training,tournament, make me lack of comunicate between me and my family eventhough my classmate n my friend..Whenever they want to hang up with me sure i'm in other place..when came back the day would be monday and sunday..everyone prepare for morning school dy.. my classmate all called me " ghost " suddenly appear suddenly disappear..SHOCKED! nowadays, i try my best to rescue it rescue my knowledge and social comunicate.Now, quite freedom..coz i retired dy.hehe..Most of the time i use to study and stay in the house with family...yeah yeah...but still lack of comunicate..

Friday, August 7, 2009


My background can u see? Even I sad , I cant share with u oso. Sometimes miss u but I cant disturb u..y? study…When we can meet? I duuno wat do say dy..but I know tis few days I feel so boring with u…realy. Everytime sick..haiz..u promise me ady but u didn’t do it to me..i really duno wat to say…u say u very sayang me care for me u done it..but I feel stg lose between me and u.. I think communicate gua..take care.. I wont ask u to show webcam dy.. if u really wan to see me .. u come triang la.. u yhe 1 who push me force me to study.. I think everything will be fine if we keep the condition like FRIEND..