Monday, December 28, 2009

Take it as an experience

welcome to read my blog. hm, holiday going to end and will start my form 5 life soon.Sigh~Dad told me yesterday: " next year will confirm where ur future to be ." Dont waste ur time. think of tis, i'm really quite open ady. i read lots of book in this holiday change alot in this holiday. book bout love yeah 1 or more than that ..bcoz of the book, it knock me up tat gv up and forget is up to someone. If still stubborn to remember the past , it only live in the past . So when i will be a big gal? if the guy didnt loved u ady why still continue missed him? whenever u missed him u jz rolled down ur tears he oso wont be ur side. past is past. Learn to forget and accept that our love had been end is the true way .dun put any hope in this relationship. mayb before break up gal like to ask u wont leave me away rite ? guy will ans yes of coz i wont leave u, i will be wif u forever. when the love end, guy can forget watever thay can but gal cant. coz the gal love the guy too much. whenever the gal we break up la, the guy will bless tat gal give him a chance. but too much blessing will make guy's confidence gone . I realise all of the gay can forget the guy coz the gal hvt find the next love. the book said.haha~ tis is not the big deal. try to open minded mayb can change our life. i'm still got many years to go, why dont live happy. when dun know when our life end. LOve? now for me tat is too early to get love. i'm change alot jz tq need said welcome coz i felt tat u are rite. but remind u tat ur stubborn oso need to change. all of the gal in the world like to control this 1 year 4 month, i fall in love to u. but now, we are seems like sibling. hehe~k7, when u read my blog i hope u tat can type a blog bout after we break up, what to looking to, what u want to see in the future ..all u want to type is ok ..i will support ur blog ~

1 comment:

Jingwen said...

my blog address change liao ... the new one is .welcome to visit ^^