Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sweat memories

This holiday I’m going to Kl..It is a quite interest place whre I want to go la..hmm,after go kl for 3 or 4 times..I feel a bit tired dy lo bcoz nothing to buy there sumore it is a big city and all of them busy on working..If really want to spend ours holiday I think Penang, cameron highlands, ipoh,kampar(visit my parents),johor bahru or go oversea..I “hope” when I 18 years old I can go oversea with my dear under my parents allow..bcoz sometimes I really cant to cheat them..If I cheat them, I will not hapi and more enjoy to any games and any travel.We they called me ,I keep cheating them ,my heart so hurt..I scare I cnt cheat them sucessful…especially now(underage ma)! Haiz…oopz! I go toilet 1st..wait for me ,dun read too fast ya..Bek..hehe! 3rd june till 7th june..it’s quite fast to pass u know! Even I just go for 4 days it’s look like I go 2 days 1 nite oni u know? I miss my bb so much when the bus start to move..I still want to phone my parents I will return a bit late tomorrow coz I hvt find my shoes successful yet…so sob~ how cum now I oni think how to cheat? But I think it’s enough to cheat my parents..coz everything will be fair..1st day I go kl..we almost spend all time in the room…so so so so BORING! So nothing to write..2ND DAY,we go out around 11.15 stg,we go pavillion find my shoes 1st…suddenly I meet my friends..a bit shy lo…I know my bb not hapi at all dy..bcoz,mayb he …lor!then we go bek room..evening go times squarefind shoes 1st..unseccessful oso so we go watch movie..17 again..tis movie quite ok la..i like it ..hehe.3rd day we go watch movie oso..but 1 thg I still stick in my mind is my bb not hapi oso coz I force him to go out of the cinema..sorry for I selfish…but I had been told u..if u wan u can stay here, I can go bek 1st..but u said “ u think I want to leave u alonne me?” then u go out with me together..U keep angry on the way to tunes hotel..and I told u to do stg stupid things means I called u to close the door to cheat my dad at all..u swear? Okla..past tense ma..i like u hug me..coz u hug so so so warm…u lap mhy tears , u ngeri me…make me laugh..thank u bb..

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