Thursday, May 14, 2009

A people who felt alone

Today is the 2nd day of exam and tomorrow will sitting in mathematics exam.I didn’t scare of it and I’m full of confident.Furthermore,I still can sit in front of laptop and write down all my sadness!today I’m seriously no mood.I didn’t eat breakfast and next meal(dinner) I also wont take it..Seriously,I also dun know wat happen to got physics tuition class,I’m so angry ,why teacher only pay attention to male students?when I told my friends that teacher unfair,Sir Chang come in front of me and asked me are u understand? I just tell him, from jz now until now I dun know what u had taught..then he try to step by step teach me..For what??seriously,I’m really want to take the book and knock the my anger..I’m really cant to control ady..Not only me misunderstand wht u had taught even my classmates oso dunno wat u had teached?I want to change my tuition class teacher after holiday.i want I want iwant! Now if I make comparison between physics and addmaths I like addmath more than physics lo…I admit that my calculation better than better remember a lot of concept lo!I hate physics but I wont give up! As yesterday I sms with my ex that I’m so stress on studying and I said if this exam cant do well I’ll lose the interesting about study…Cause I never study hard like this .If I really failed one subject I’ll lose the interesting bout study…then, he told me:’’Jessica,u seen not a ppl who easy to surrender?campare to last time,u wanted to fight until u get the champion.” Yes, I admit!everyone oso said like tat…and I told my sir b4 if no champion I wont put it in my my target only champion. I dunno what happen to me since 2009 ,eveything had been changed!I’m look no energy to fight…After that he sent me a message, that time I’m already slept.1st message he sent me..”you want to cried or not?” 2nd message he sent me a message”a message which wish me happy forever wish me hv a good result”.He didn’t selfish oso, he said” u can called ur boy friend accompany u study ma..” I said he stay in seremban so hard to accompany me.And he more buzier than,I’ll try my best to less contact with him.Degree student ma and he is a future leader of nation..and I must support him bcoz Jessica is k-7’s gf.

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