Sunday, October 26, 2008

A night sky

Someone said:"If u hv a bad day, please look upward to the sky."Today, i think twice..want or dun wan , continue or stop?..I'm really confused.A night sky give me non-respond.. jus hv a litlle twinkle star..twinkle twinkle! Suddenly,my mind thinking about a nice song who listen it since young(baby stage)..

Twinkle, Twinkle, little star,
How i wonder what u are,
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How i wonder what you are.

Suddenly, my phone received a message:"All player who sitting in un20 tournament ,tomorrow will start training."I think and confused~i look moody when i'm think all the problem what had happened between the team cause not things make me hapi before jus one thing "know to each other from other state of player.." Allright, for me..maybe is a valueable changes..a memory what i perform in a great tournament..hapi..sad..pain and others!!!Stop thinking bout this...i think i should stop ady..wat i wan to stop?( Volleyball)
After an hour and 30 mins, my friend ask me ..Jessica i wan find a job, we work together , can ar? I said:" in KL?''..she said:'' NO, in Triang."So hapi, finally got people accompany me ady...then,i thought back, jus now sir noticed us must start training tomorrow...So, i jus picked up my phone and send a message to my sir..U want to know what i had sent? Rite, a message will make my team dissapointed.."Sir, can i reject the tournament?"after a minute..Sir said:"whatever la." I thought, this is the time to let me cool down and relax my mind....maybe will continue next year or will stop next year..I'm over training ady!!I'm not BJ player...I cant to forward training everyday b'cause of we still a full time student!!Compare with BJ student~BJ player jus study 4-5 hours...another time use for training! for me??Sorry...I cant!!!I got a lot of thing to do...In school, i'm not a vb player ..i oso an althelte.Compare with sir and sir~ Who more sayang me??Anyways, i think athetle sir more care of me...he gv me a chance to memohon sport schoclarship..A year RM500 other extra..per month RM 150...How cum???Izzit i must more focus track perform???Yes, i do...But i hvt start my training programme yet!!!will star next year or after next year...Who treat me as good as he/she daughter/son???Yes, athelete sir...who respect me?Yes, athelete sir???Who make me famous???Yes, athelete sir...Nowadys,all my teachers in my school know who is JESSICA!!(feel glad)..Because of who??Yes, athelet sir???All the exp..find out who more care of me???Who i need to respect...Yes,Athelte sir(Mr.ABu)..Although, Abu's daughter is my enemy who fight the metal gold with me...This year,Abu knows me as he "anak buah" bahagia, u know???
My mind..thinking thinking and thinking!!Izzit the time prepare for SPM? Izzit the time create a good new way for future???Yes!!!This is the time.... 3E is preaparing to who want to be a good businessman...that is...
Efisien>>>to do something more accurately...
Education>>>good knowledge...
Enconomy>>>If someone no money but he had a good education it make troublesome to everyone who wan start their business or company...
SO, 3E is very important for future!!!That why i wan to earn money and save money now.A secondarly school life nearly finish....Although, my parents can support me to continue my school life, if i cant get a good result?How???Izzit make my parents dissapointed???My parents wan to pay for electrical loan, car loan(3 cars),shop loan(2 shops) and collage fee(for my brther)..Then, if i can help by myself sure i wont call dad n mum pay for me...although the money is no to more to support my future...Anyways la..lama-lama jadi bukit lo..So..that is my plan...Plan for future..
after that..the time is 11.03pm ady.. i go n take shower then wait for my bb calling me ...lo...haha...Learn to enjoy and relax my mind..when spend together with my bb..

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