Thursday, January 14, 2010

Schooling life

So fast, it seems like thunderstorm.. 2 weeks of schooling was changing me like a jaybird.every night did my homework untill 1am..maximum 2am. Jaybird isnt? Someone said, time wait for no man. I believe that SPM is just arounding the corner..lacking of time ? time for me to couple , no time for me to hang out with friends (except my classmate ^^).i feel uneasy and quite stress. Every night almost cant sleep peacefully and my eyes like dry and tired. Think of this, I spout out my wallet and pay 5 ringgit to buy eyes glo and keep in my pencil case. Whenver vey tired in the class, of course I will make 2 or 3 droplets into each eyes to prevent sleep in the class. In this 2 weeks, I slim 1.5 kg. futhermore, I’m going to fever but everytime in the second will be fine. 4 of us got 3 of us almost sick. Weather here is too hot until my mouth get a ulcer. So pain, this year, I will try my best to score SPM. Of course my dream will not oni daydream..Dare to dream!today( 14/01/2010), after schooled,I’m walking to cosway and waiting for my mummy, when I walk across the road, aunties suddenly move her motorcycle backwards. Luckily she didn’t make my leg injure, if not, I’m going to scold her. This year, I cant do any mistake..if today is preparing for MSSM mlaysia and my leg injure, I will call her to pay insurance, money, and mecdicine…eventhough, she pay for me I’m oso wont feel satisficate. Injure make me cant attend to the games and certificate is surpose to be 1 part of my future. How the aunties want to pay? So, there is some weird word inside…mayb I’m too stress and feel angry to tat auties’s clumsy behavior. Other than that, I felt tat my money seems like losing…I can save money as per week 20 ringgit but pay for photostate, some fees, and others , my money now is less than 90 ringgit. Oh god~save money to futher form 6 in johore…but isnt in johore is better for me ? I’m too adorable ^^..i dunno why in this year, I’m scare sunthing happen to my family…I’m scare that lost 1 of my family member..especially parents..daddy is the oni 1 who fight for so long and earn js a little bit money..mummy jz a household..they play in important role…without daddy, I think no more chance for me to study and 2 bros still cant handle all of my dad’s job..without mum, who did the housework? Who cook for us ? alots and alots…I can imagine and lossing someone else in the life..because I’m already mature and caring..